Our goal is to enable like-minded independent producers to benefit from our years of experience and established relationships, forward thinking vision and expertise across the spectrum, ensuring the delivery of the finest quality fresh produce, in particular table grapes and dates, to its customers around the world.

SCMM continues to extend its reach by including partnerships with concurring producers in its on-going quest where service excellence is a given, not a goal.


Born out of a desire to share the decades of experience and expertise gained from farming and exporting our own produce under the Southern Farms brands, Southern Cross Marketing & Management (SCMM) was established in 2013 under the direction of Chris Steenkamp. Until 1994 all Table Grapes exported out of South Africa by law had to be done through a single channel marketing system. At that time Southern Farms recognised the benefits of developing its own in-house marketing and logistics capabilities, and in so doing became the first Table Grape grower-exporter in South Africa.


SCMM remains an independent company, focused mainly on supplying markets in the UK, Europe and Scandinavia due to the varieties produced and the timing of our supply, thus enjoying premium pre-Christmas returns.

In addition, SCMM offers key support services to the group:

  • Farm & Agricultural Asset Management
  • Marketing
  • Export
  • Financial Services
  • Logisitcal Support
  • Technical Expertise

Find out more about our world class producers


At SCMM our aim is to grow the highest quality produce in a sustainable manner, effectively managing and protecting the areas natural resources and actively engaging in practices that reduce environmental impact. Corporate social responsibility shapes all actions and decisions.

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  +27 (0)21 883 2408

  +27 (0)21 883 3907

  101MS, Mill Square, 12 Plein Street, Stellenbosch

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